Colour Laser Printer, different days different colours? - compare colour laser printers
I have a Samsung CLP-310 color laser printer wirelessly.
Two days ago, I printed 3 pictures. They were very good. Today, I printed a picture, and seemed unusually bright, I printed a picture that I had written two days ago, and are compared. The image of exactly the same, exactly the same configuration, the exact same printer and paper, but the paper is now brighter and less dynamic than it was before the two printed tag.
Is there an automatic update or a virus or some other reason can no images to print than it did two days ago?
Compare Colour Laser Printers Colour Laser Printer, Different Days Different Colours?
8:22 AM
The computer sends data to the printer. If this information is corrupted, the update of the printer driver the address in May. Go to the Samsung site and download the latest driver.
Always use ink factory in the printer. The by cheaper brands.
The website of Samsung Australia has a call or a direct service to customers. Your website can have a country, or send them via e-mail. However, first update the driver, because it shows that in the first place.
The computer sends data to the printer. If this information is corrupted, the update of the printer driver the address in May. Go to the Samsung site and download the latest driver.
Always use ink factory in the printer. The by cheaper brands.
The website of Samsung Australia has a call or a direct service to customers. Your website can have a country, or send them via e-mail. However, first update the driver, because it shows that in the first place.
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